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CONVX delivers an effective reporting and analytics strategy by automatically turning data into actionable insights. 



Transforming Data Into Action

CONVX reporting and analytics solutions help you keep pace with the speed of business and drive better business outcomes. Where legacy data systems are slow, inaccurate, and lack capabilities for robust reporting, CONVX enables complete, compliant, and quicker reporting. Armed with timely, accurate data and robust reporting capabilities, you can more confidently make data-driven decisions that move your organization forward.

Simplified Reporting to Empower Decision Making

CONVX helps our clients in hospitality, public safety, and government navigate the complexities of reporting and analytics, delivering data when, where, and how you need it to make smarter decisions.
Dashboards Data Visualization

Report Generation
& Visualization

Reporting can be time consuming and challenging when working with disparate systems with conflicting information and limited reporting capabilities. CONVX builds capacity for faster, more accurate, and more robust reporting capabilities with comprehensive report generation and visualization tools. We consolidate your data and help you understand it through automated reports, ranging from common to hyper-focused custom reporting. 

Report Distribution and Access Control

Report Distribution
& Access Control

Ensuring the right people get the right information at the right time is crucial. User management is simplified by integrating reporting with Active Directory. CONVX drives timely, effective decision-making by distributing the right reports to the right stakeholders through smart access control. We save our clients time and ensure data security by automating report distribution, no matter if you're working with common or custom reports. 

Analytics and Insights

& Insights

Continuous improvement begins with a reliable data analytics strategy. To achieve business outcomes, organizations must have data in a usable form that they can make sense of and act on. CONVX analytics solutions for government agencies, hospitality, and restaurants transform your data into actionable insights so you can more confidently facilitate your business objectives. 

Simplify Your Reporting with CONVX Managed Data